Japan Rail Pass - Forgotten/lost item on the train

Customer Support Team
Customer Support Team
  • Updated

If you realise you have left an item or bag on the train, the best thing to do is to go to the Lost and Found Office (お忘れ物承り所, o-wasuremono uketamawarijo) at the nearest station as soon as possible and tell staff there what happened - describe the item in detail and give all the details of the train you were on, including your seat number if possible.

Staff there will be able to check their system and see if your item was handed in by a passenger, or found by train staff. They are usually extremely efficient with things like this as long as you report it as soon as possible.

Read more about what to do about a lost item on the JR website.

If your item was lost on a JR train or Shinkansen, there is also an online lost item form that you can fill in and submit with all the details of your lost item HERE.


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