Emergency - Earthquake / Typhoon

Customer Support Team
Customer Support Team
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Customers wanting to learn more about emergency warnings should refer to up-to-date weather information available on the Japanese Meteorological Agency site.


Also consider installing an earthquake pre-warning app, and set your current location as well as warning intensity level and notification settings accordingly.




Safety Tips’ app from Japanese Tourism Agency

Emergency apps and phone numbers from JNTO


Also find more information in our articles:


What to do in an earthquake

Typhoon season in Japan 


It is always a good idea to register with your embassy in Japan so they will have your contact details in the event of an emergency.


In addition if you have booked a tour with us, our dedicated team will of course contact you, and we have an emergency line available for such cases:


Emergency Number Japan: +81 90 3823 1949 - WhatsApp - 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week. Please note that the emergency line is answered in English.

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